Leaving Brady's Mom's house
The last day with all three Chihuwahuas
Visiting the hotsprings
...and saying good buy to Kutsho
Nip Brady's Doctor
Jonah's Families house in Sebastapol in Califotnia
in the bus
Stop for gas
Stop at Rubens house in Tucson
in the morning after a night in Mexico
Fabel on the roof of the bus
broken tarp
Laurie posing, Playa Vallerte Mexico
little village
one more sunset.....
postcard picture
and the sun is still going down
Fabel stretching in the sunset
first broken piece on the bus
at the mechanic
still at the mechanic
the nights at the Pemex stations
just keeping the road safe
yes stop and go
I like this picture
... thats good too
after the driveline is back where it should be
cutting branches to get to the next beach
...and here it is!
fishing spirit
Statue in Playa de Navidad
up side down, Jonah and Laurie
where we parked
before we say good night
The muffler got fixed by this mechanic
Dave and his family who let us park in front of his house
... which is right by the beach
curious fisher family
going to pick up some garbage
we all in our underwear
after picking up garbage....
..we got invited for a cold drink
saying good bye to Dave
along the pacific coast with two new artists
Here we are again
This time Rodrigo is playing
We arrived at the sunset in Mazunte
next morning in Mazunte
after a little huke you come to this place
We did the first show in Mazunte, picture comes later
in the sherwood forest in Chico Califoria
filling up the shower water before the next beach
we landed here
morning or evening?
thats an empty beach
in Coatepec, Guatemala
coming from the beach
another safe place to stay over night
in the shaddow
stuck on the hill
we made it to El Corpus
but 1st we had to get a tractor to pull the bus up
our audience
next morning we go for a hike
a hike to this mountain
there was nice waterfall
Itzel, ROdrigo and Jeric stayed at the bus
... and gave a workshop
For a lot of kids from El Corpus
Brady and Jesus
people on the same path
praxis before the sun goes down
...to Nicaragua
the first signs....
girls at the border
clauds in Nicaragua
Diego Gnes crew
rain in Granada, Nicaragua
Before show time
our audience
the next adventure
Lago de Nicaragua
one side...
... and the other
Itzel, Jeric, Rodrigo
The lake next morning
irmi and Brady
at Diego Genes house
next stop... Rivas Nicaragua
permit for the show
going out for publicity
and... our audience
in the morning
San Juan Del Sur
Where am I ?!?!
what is that?
fart away
San Juan Del Sur
it is hot
Laurie and Jonah
fish and faces
he/she was there as well
Robin Hood could be right around the corner
Brady and Nip
After the morning dip in the hot spring
Mimi on the right just arrived
last picture with our host's for the show
.... first Stop at the Park Santa Rosa
Direction Costa Rica
big tree
Park Santa Rosa
Next stop: airport to drop Laurie of
last look into the bus
last kiss
and now we are in San Jose
San Jose
Mimi buying tomatos