Border to Costa Rica
First beach in Costa Rica.
....first morning in Costa Rica...
They were watching us, going up the hill.....
review to the beach
... suddenly the bus did not make it up the hill....
By the attempt to help, the Mini Winny got stuck in a ditch...
We got help...
The Minni, too....
...and we got an invitation to stay over night at our helpers,
out of diesel
San Jose
.... to change the gas bottle for our fridg took sometimes a lot of manpower
Jaco.... on the pacific coast.
Iza is leaving to go her own ways...
Tao, selling underwear ....
Playa Ballena
..on the way to Barruka, rain....
Morning walk into the mountains
preparations for the show
Pavel ... also preparing for the show
Carlos and all of us....
Tao with his underwear and ties in Playa Zakudo