Bill's thoughts
the world is a crazy amalgam of omnidirectional egos greased with money lit by love and shadowed in the tyranny of mediocre men. you bring a lot of joy to many people who, had you not stopped in their sleepy little town would not have otherwise in that place at that time smiled and laughed with you .that being said, is the totality of your life or anyone's for that matter when measured in smiles and frowns (created intentionally or unintentionally) decidedly positive ? that is when we or I lay down for the last time and look back will i have created more pleasure or pain ?the answer is ,no one can really know before they pass maybe never ad infinitum, but that we never stop trying in our flawed ways to bring joy to love to try and help even if there are limits we impose upon our charity is to me the measure of success . you two have never sold out, bought in, or settled down. yours is a hard road that will increase in difficulty with age but what you are trying to do at least in my mind is an inspiration. I hope you believe that you have brought more smiles into the world in your years and that that may bring you some comfort in the trials you are to face tomorrow.
warmly ,Bill