Respond to Newsletter July 2012

Dearest Irmi and Brady,

It is always a treasure to hear from you and get a glimpse of your adventures. You guys so rock. I love knowing you're out there being real and bringing life and love into peoples lives. And of course, entertainment that so often brings laughter and awe's and hopefully cash flow to keep you up and moving from one place to the next. I so enjoying knowing you're taking dips in lakes and rivers and the like. I salute your courage, stamina and creativity. Hats off to you both. I hope you continue to enjoy one another and appreciate one another. You're a fantastic match.

Not much on this end to share...I turned 65 on August 11th....I'm thrilled to still be on this amazing planet. People I've know for years and decades are dropping off right and left.

When I was in California a couple months I had a few hours kayaking on the Russian River to the Pacific. It was marvelous and felt like that was the first thing I'd done in ages that felt like I was 'home'. It was a boost for my spirit. A few months ago I started a daily practice...I call it - Krystal with the universe, mediation, do-in (an ancient practice long before yoga)....I decided to start building the 'home fires within'. It has helped with my anger and yes, rage.....of life circumstances and my response to them. I'm sleeping better.

Mostly, I'm in the jungle of cement and get out to the sand and sea now and then. Nothing in the forecast that rocks my boat so to speak. Taking a day at a time, hour by hour.

Know I carry you both in my heart. As always I send my best wishes to you and much love.