Philpp's respond

Philipp’s respond to the Newsletter February 2012

dear irmi, dear brady,
how is it going?...
...sorry, i´m just kidding.

i want you to know this: i'm not the big communicator, irmi should know this. but nevertheless i feel in touch with you two. we met on several festivals and i appreciate you two as artists as well as private persons very much. for example i'm deeply impressed about brady's engagement for the artists rights, during the festivals, as i experienced different times. respect.
and i got much respect for your bus-tour also. i really was thinking about applying to join that tour - which i didn't at last, as you know.
because i had the feeling from the beginning that this whole project is about 90 % of something and only 10% of artistic work, creating an extraordinary show. and that for me is too less.
i worked in different circusses and varieties, where i always had that problem, that we came together, to create a show but there was always loads of different things to do (mounting the chapiteau, making publicity etc), which i know, that it has to be done, and i done it (you know, i'm german too, i'm even a prussian) but i hated it.
and as i read in your last 160 newsletters, it seems, that i was right, that the balance between good and evil work is not given.
of course i know, that i could have been an individuum on the tour, who could try to help to make that balance more equal, but i didn't see the chance for me, the circumstances seemed not to be fit for.
i like the idea of travelling through exotic countries and erasing the wintertime in fucking middleeurope.
i like a lot the idea of non-capitalistic life - and i still believe in.
but my big big passion is creative work. i live for writing songs (i have to say: writing new text for old songs), performing shows, developping new scenes, creating music and and and. if therefrom results a good business, i'm happy. but it's not that way round, that i think of how to get rich with performing arts.

i read the concept of your tour which was about social life experience in a narrow old bus and about bringing culture life for free to poor people. the second point i liked, the first one i didn't find sooo interesting (although i could match with that kind of life also). i wasn't convinced that this is a non-commercial project with a leading social or political idea.
and as i asked irmi once, how important is that discription of your project as a social one, she told me that it' more about the adventure itself. and that's why i have a problem with your ask for donations. if you have money-problems i could think about supporting with a little money as friends but not for the project itself.  so if you feel so, you're welcome to ask for.
you want to know some news about me? i continue to imrove my show and my website and so on and maybe rike and me we will have two little babies this summer, exactly as irmi guessed.
my thoughts are with you -sometimes- and i look forward to meet you again soon somewhere.
my best wishes are with you, philipp.